Glass Ceiling Syndrome Effects on Women Empowerment

Glass Ceiling Syndrome Effects on Women Empowerment

A lot has been written about gender equality, and the importance of diversity in the workplace, yet there continues to be the issue of gender gap which shows up in various ways.  This paper aims to address one aspect of diversity challenges, the Glass Ceiling Syndrome, its effects on women particularly, and how coaching is playing a part in attempts to shatter it.

For many years, women have been faced with the challenge of how to break the glass ceiling, or at least crack it open.  This syndrome shows up professionally, socially, personally, locally, and globally.  It has affected women in different ways.  Some have continued to hit their heads against the glass, fueled by their passion and hope that someday, any number of things could happen:  1) the glass could be shattered; 2) there could be a crack on it, or 3) someone might decide to peer through the glass from the top and notice the efforts of those below the ‘glass’ and lend a helping hand.

Read complete paper here –

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